Monday 9 December 2013


Articles are written to give information (e.g. news reports) or express/ opinions (e.g. argumentative articles). They can be either formal or informal depending on the audience they are addressed to and thetopic they deal with. A good article consists of:

a) an eye-catching headline which suggests the topic of the article that follows;
b) an interesting introduction;
c) a main body consisting of two or more paragraphs in which the topic is presented in detail; and
d) a conclusion which gives an appropriate ending to the article.

Such pieces of writing can be found in newspapers, magazines or newsletters.
Points to consider
Decide on the style of the article before you start writing.
Always think of a short, clear, appropriate headline which attracts the reader's interest.
Each paragraph should deal with one aspect of the topic. You can use linking ideas or time expressions to join your ideas or introduce paragraphs.
Avoid using simplistic adjectives (good, nice, bad, etc). Always try to use more sophisticated vocabulary instead, (splendid, gorgeous, awful, etc)
Address the reader in the second person (you) if the topic of the article and the style you have adopted permits this.