Thursday 9 March 2017


You have decided to apply for the position advertised below. Write approximately 250 words in a covering letter or email.

Is this for you?
We are looking for responsible, experienced people (individuals or couples) of any age to ‘work’ as house-sitters in different European countries for varying lengths of time. All you need to do is take care of someone’s house, pets, and garden whilst they are away on business or on holiday.
You won’t earn any money but your accommodation is free. The minimum length of stay is one week so you can move from place to place.
Interested? Send an email or letter and CV to Bruce Matthews at "" or post it to…


Dear Ms. or Mr. Last Name: ← Note: If you don’t know the recipient’s gender, say Dear First Last:

Opening Paragraph: Introduce yourself to your reader (not, “Hi, my name is Suzan Smith,” but something such as: “I am a senior at Smith College writing to apply for xxx.”). State where you saw the position posted. Mention the contact who referred you – with her/his permission – if the employer knows them. You might briefly summarize your specific qualifications for the position or interest in the organization, or do so later in the letter.

Middle Paragraph(s): Focus on one or two specific examples from your resume that demonstrate you have the skills sought for the position. Emphasize accomplishments and results that relate to the position. Don’t repeat long sections of your resume. Use terms and a language style appropriate to the field. Show you’ve researched the organization, but don’t recite facts and figures from their website. Connect what you know about the organization to your experience and skills. Your goal is to show why you would be excited to have this specific position at this specific organization. Briefly state why the organization’s mission, clients, programs, products, or services attract you. By now, the recipient should clearly understand what you’d add to the organization, and be convinced of your enthusiasm for and match with the position.

Closing Paragraph: You might briefly summarize your qualifications and interest in the position unless you’ve done so above. Offer a next step: Will you call to arrange an in-person or phone interview? Will you be in the area on a certain day and follow up to arrange a time to meet? If you prefer, simply use the closing paragraph to say that you look forward to hearing from the employer and thank them for considering your application.




Dear Ms. Goddard:

 I am a first year student at Smith College pleased to submit my application for a teacher/coach position with the 2016 REAL Kids/Harlem RBI summer program which I saw in our career center internship database. With strong interests in youth development and team sports, I am drawn to this position as an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of inner city youth. 

I have extensive experience working with children in athletic and arts settings. As Assistant Coach of the Marion County Youth Softball League, I designed non-competitive beginner practices that motivated each player to strive for her personal best. As the girls’ skill level, self-esteem, and teamwork grew, several reported having greater success in school. Previously, as Arts Leader for Fine Arts for Kids in Miami, I taught arts and crafts to Hispanic youth and initiated cost-free activities that enriched their appreciation of art. As public schools are increasingly cutting funding for arts and sports programs, I am eager to help close the gap for these children however I can. 

As a teacher/coach with REAL Kids/Harlem RBI I hope to share with my students the important lessons about teamwork, leadership, and motivation I’ve learned from softball. I owe my academic success in large part to the committed coaches I had since joining my first softball team at age six. I am excited by the prospect of inspiring your students to play, learn, and grow this summer. I am available at your convenience for an in-person or phone interview, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

Emilia Renzi

Monday 6 March 2017

Happy International Women's Day

My contribution to this day is a quotation by the writer of The Lord of the Flies and the British campaign video. If you want to share any other videos or photos, please feel free to do so in the space for comments.

British campaing on International Women's Day